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IdeaSpark Fall 2016/Union Coffee

From Bold Idea Knowledgebase

5622 Dyer St. #100

Dallas, TX 75206

Parking is available in front of Union and along Prentice and Dyer Streets

Program dates

ideaSpark sessions are every Saturday from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.* on the following dates:

Sept: 10, 17, 24

Oct: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Nov: 5, 12, 19

Dec: 3, 10, 17

* Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time - so you’re there before the students. Stay until all students are picked up.


Connect to “Common Desk” and acknowledge terms and conditions in a web browser

Mentor Team

Name Email
Matt Corley matt.corley@parivedasolutions.com
Vivek Arora varora@utdallas.edu
Christian Ayala christian@dialexa.com
Luke Gordon gordysc@gmail.com
Todd James toddcjames@gmail.com


Use the Slack channel to stay in communication - https://boldidea.slack.com/messages/union

Use the Wiki to access resources and share ideas - http://wiki.boldidea.org/

Photos and Social Media

All students and volunteers sign a waiver at the time of registration, which includes a photo release. Please share any interesting photographs or noteworthy moments/stories for publication on social media and tag @BoldIdeaInc and @uniondallas.