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IdeaSpark Fall 2016/Bottle Rocket

From Bold Idea Knowledgebase

8th Floor

14841 Dallas Pkwy

Addison, TX 75254

Program Dates

ideaSpark sessions are every Saturday on the following dates from 10:00am - 12:00pm*:

Sept: 10, 17, 24

Oct: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Nov: 5, 12, 19

Dec: 3, 10, 17

Both age groups will meet in the Enterprise Room. The room can be set up with a partition to separate the two teams.

*Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start time so you're there before the students. Stay until all students are picked up.


Each device must connect separately. Usernames and passwords for wifi will be posted on the wiki before the first session.

Mentor Teams

Ages 7-10

Name Email
Amy Czuchlewski amy.czuchlewski@bottlerocketstudios.com
Hans Shinn hans.shinn@gmail.com
Susan Eshelman susanqh@yahoo.com

Ages 11-14

Name Email
Jane Santa Cruz Janesantacruz@gmail.com
Bill Francis authorwjf@gmail.com
Nicholas Parkes Nick.parkes@parivedasolutions.com
Tiffany Thompson tdthompson899@gmail.com
Bob Timm bob.timm@bottlerocketstudios.com


Use the Slack channel to stay in communication - https://boldidea.slack.com/messages/bottlerocket

Use the Wiki to access resources and share ideas - http://wiki.boldidea.org/

Photos and Social Media

All students and volunteers sign a waiver at the time of registration, which includes a photo release. Please share any interesting photographs or noteworthy moments/stories for publication on social media and tag @BoldIdeaInc, @_BottleRocket (don't forget the underscore)